Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 15 - Theme Park

Right so we got up at 9 am just so we could be first to a theme park nearby, we had free entry on our card so it was banter. We just hit the rides real quickly. We started small, with the biggest free fall in Europe. It was called tilt and we couldn't work out why. So when we finally reached the top of the tower we were ready to fall, and didn't expect the seats to all drop forward so we were looking down, scary shit. I was moving so fast I couldn't hear myself scream.

We then moved on to one that was a just a kinda standard roller coaster but the carriages were like spinning as it went making it really interesting, at some points we were pulling 3.6g, this just went to show how sick the sport of F1 is, they pull that in most high speed corners and can still manage to drive a car.

We then went to some shops and things before hitting a pub for the grand prix, was a goodish race, I guess it was a little boring after the start. We then headed out to the Nobel museum before switching hostel. Our new hostel was near our first and was real banterous, we talked with a Swede and some Dutchies, got some food and came back. On our way back in we met the Dutchies with 2 Germans and a Canadian heading out so we went with them and hit a pub. The night was banterous really. But at the end of the day we ended up in a nearby fountain getting soaked.

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